Wellness Classes
Our Programs
Wellness programs can educate, motivate, as well as excite senior adults to remain active. Increased overall well-being, quality of life, and socialization are key benefits to participating in our Wellness programs.

Diabetes Self-Management
Program is a 6-week group program for people with type 2 diabetes. The program was developed by Stanford University to help you manage your diabetes symptoms, tiredness, pain, and emotional issues, by helping you learn skills to better manage your diabetes day to day.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
is an effective self-management education program for people with chronic health problems. It specifically addresses arthritis, diabetes, and lung and heart disease, but teaches skills useful for managing a variety of chronic diseases.

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program
is a six-week workshop that helps people with chronic pain to better manage their symptoms and their daily lives. The workshop provides information and teaches practical skills.

Matter of Balance
is an 8-week structured group intervention that emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels.